Friday, April 30, 2010

Pyar in Tanabe Spring

Pyar is rescuing our futons from Sawabe's plot downstairs. The wind took them off the balcony without a sound, we had no idea they were missing, glad that they did not land in the water.

Pyar doing a wheelie, April 29.

We found two of these kind of compost huts on an island in a garden. They are made from the stalks of the rice after harvest. None of our friends know what they are called and some have never even seen them. Pyar was obviously very excited with our find.

This is one of those trails/hills that I stop to take photos while Pyar explores. Here is coming back down to share what he found on his adventure.

Pyar and Heron along the river.

Spring in Tanabe Neighborhood


Japanese Maple

Goldfish and Koi at the neighbor's house

Sakura lined street, just down from the apartment.
