Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tanabe Skies and Rainbow

No descriptions needed here - Pyar and I viewed the lovely sky from our apartment balcony.

Sweet Moment

Our Bansai seemed to be coming alive again with wonderful new shoots, we had hoped that the other Bonsai would follow, but unfortunately we were unable to maintain their beauty for long.

Tanabe Neighborhood

Our attempt at capturing a hummingbird on the butterfly bush in Sawabe's garden. The hummingbirds are absolutely enchanting to watch. The neighborhood was full of them in September and some of October.

Halloween 2009

We are ready to go trick or treating on Halloween.

We were invited to the local community center to enjoy some Halloween festivities with children in the neighborhood. We truly had a great time. The people who organized the event were wonderful and we had fun trick or treating and playing games in Japanese and English.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tour of the Apartment

Here's our apartment! Watch this video!